Christmas concerts

WESTMORELAND, N.Y.- The first full week of December was all about spreading Christmas Cheer to Upper Elementary School families.

On Tuesday, December 5, more than 100 students sang and played Christmas music in the Jr./Sr. High School Auditorium. The concert started with Ms. Migliore’s third and fourth grade choir. They kicked off the night with First Day of Winter, followed by Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, This Holiday and Go In Peace. Then Mr. Abraham’s fourth grade band took the stage! This was their first year playing an instrument and they were awesome. Their first song was a quick warm-up and then they played the Christmas classic, Jingle Bells.

Then it was the fifth and sixth students turn to shine! Families packed the auditorium on December 6! The fifth grade band, conducted by Mr. Abraham, started off with a song called Winter Winds and finished with some holiday favorites, Jingle Bells, Jolly Old St. Nicholas and 12 the Clock Strikes. Then sixth grade chorus took their spots on the stands to sing White Fields and Don’t be a Jerk. They stayed in their places while their fifth grade peers joined them for a lovely rendition of Peace Peace and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The sixth grade students left so the fifth graders could have their moment to shine. They sang Hanukkah and Happy Winter. The sixth grade band topped off the night with Creepy Crawlers, Twinkle Variations, Silent Night, Up on the Housetop and Marching Machine.

A wonderful job to all of our very talented musicians!

Click here for photos from the concert!