a family sitting at a cafeteria table

The Westmoreland Central School District’s Zone of Imagination, Innovation and Inspiration (ZI3) held its first “Artificial Intelligence Family Night” of the school year on November 14.  

Family working together

The fun activity taught students and their families about Artificial Intelligence and how to use it to solve a problem. Participants specifically collected data about their communities and problems that could be solved using Artificial Intelligence, and then explored how Artificial Intelligence “learns” and “makes decisions.” Refreshments were provided by the Westmoreland PTO.

“To demonstrate how Artificial Intelligence works, families used Machine Learning for Kids to provide a computer with information about giraffes and elephants,” Mrs. Davis, ZI3 coordinator, said. “After, they were able to test the computer to see if it could recognize the difference between the two animals based on what it had learned from the inputted data.”

The ZI3 was awarded a grant from Curiosity Machine, a national organization whose mission is to empower children and their families to become leaders and innovators of the future, to fund this and future family nights.

During the next family night later this school year, families will create robotic prototypes of their ideas designed to help their communities.