tree full of gifts

Just like it did during the holiday season, Team Lead at the Jr./Sr. High School is giving back to our community.

The school club spearheaded another “giving tree” - - but this time for animals.  Danielle and Mrs. Kemp

Located in the library for two weeks in January, students and staff members were asked to donate items for dogs and cats by hanging them on or placing them below the tree. Items, ranging from food to treats to toys and other supplies, were then donated to the Humane Society of Rome.

Team Lead is open to students in grades 9-12 and currently has 25 members. The purpose of the club is to instill positive leadership qualities in students and to give back through a variety of community service initiatives.

In December, Team Lead collected and donated presents to the Westmoreland Kiwanis Club. The organization then distributed the presents to some of the less fortunate families in our community.

Thank you to everyone who donated to both causes!

Pictured: Danielle Flack, Team Lead member, and Mrs. Kemp, Team Lead advisor.