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Students at the Primary Elementary School are on the move - - and showing how they stay physically fit.

In early March, the school entered the 5th Annual Central North Zone of New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AHPERD) “Get Moving NY” Video Contest.  Westmo logo

The contest asks health and/or physical education teachers to create and submit a video showing what their students do to “get moving.” This year’s theme is “Show Us Your Healthy Lifestyle.”

Mr. Williams, physical education teacher, and Mr. Cardillo, computer aide, made a video of students participating in a variety of activities in physical education class. The video also includes a pair of students discussing healthy eating habits and highlights the Little Bulldogs Fitness Center, which features free weights and cardiovascular equipment designed for young children. The center is frequently used by students in grades PK-2.

The winning Central North Zone school will receive $500 worth of sports equipment. Meanwhile, the second place school will receive $250 worth of sports equipment and the third place school will receive a recess pack.

The Central North Zone first place winner will advance to a state-wide contest for a chance to win $2,000.

New York State AHPERD is made up of teachers, coaches and other professionals who are interested in promoting Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance in schools.